As local emergency flood response efforts continue in parts of Lewis County, United Way of Lewis County, in partnership with the City of Centralia, are beginning to coordinate future flood relief volunteer efforts once emergent needs subside over the next few days. Mobilization of volunteers will be critical once the relief efforts are determined.
“United Way of Lewis County has a strong history of assisting the community in times of crisis. We have been in close contact with city and county officials over the last 24 hours to assess the needs of those affected by the recent flooding. We have determined that we will be able to best help with the recovery efforts through coordinating volunteers and initiating fundraising campaigns. We are unsure on the extent of the work at this time but are preparing to mobilize as needed,” states Christian Bruhn, Executive Director for United Way of Lewis County.
Currently, United Way of Lewis County is building an extensive list of people who are interested in volunteering as needs arise. Anyone interested in lending a hand is encouraged to visit the United Way of Lewis County website at www.lewiscountyuw.com to be placed on the flood relief volunteer list. For those who do not have access to a computer, please call United Way at 360-748-8100 to sign up. City of Centralia Councilmembers are also assisting in gathering names of anyone interested in volunteering for this effort.
For more information, please follow the United Way of Lewis County Facebook page.