United Way's Reading Buddy Program Brings Community to Schools
Help Local Children Achieve Literacy!
The United Way Reading Buddies program is a vital volunteer program that impacts grade-level reading success for local kids. Volunteers work directly with students on a weekly basis and have the power to help boost academic achievement for a child - setting the right track for a brighter future. Studies show that if a child is not reading at grade level by 3rd grade when they reach the stage where they need to “read to learn,” it greatly impacts their ability to graduate on time.
During the 2022-23 school year, Reading Buddies were placed in 6 Lewis County School Districts with our volunteer Buddies serving over 50 students. 96% of students showed improved reading fluency!
"All of my students increased their fluency by at least 20 WPM."
"My students gained confidence in reading and were so eager to read with our buddy! It encouraged them to take AR test."
"Both students gained over one years' worth (reading fluency)."
Extra reading practice with a caring adult builds student confidence and stronger readers!
Reading Buddies lend community support to schools and teachers and help create a positive reading experience, giving students extra encouragement. One hour a week with a struggling reader is all it takes to make a difference!
Reading Buddy volunteer orientations will begin in October!
If you are interested in volunteering as a Reading Buddy, please contact Annie.Oien@lewiscountyuw.com or Chris.Judd@lewiscountyuw.com.
Thank you to our Reading Buddies Program Sponsor!
For additional information, contact Chris Judd chris.judd@lewiscountyuw.com or Annie Oien at Annie.Oien@lewiscountyuw.com or (360) 748-8100.