Volunteers Drive Investment Decisions

Making decisions about how United Way donations are invested in our community is a process led by a dedicated group of volunteers, 40 strong this year, from all corners of our community - bankers, educators, business leaders, office workers and retirees. Collectively, these volunteers donated approximately 45 hours to ensure that United Way of Lewis County is investing in quality programs that are getting the right results for our community. The group met last night to make a recommendation of funding for the over 19 programs that applied for funding from United Way of Lewis County.

The agency review process has given me confidence that my United Way gift is being invested in quality programs that are helping improve people's lives in meaningful and measurable ways," said United Way of Lewis County Community Investment Panel Chair, Dave Davies” "Listening to and learning from these dedicated health and human service professionals provides me a window into a world of people who desperately need our support."

For more information on the Community Investment commitee and to learn how you can get involved, visit the Community Investment page.